D&SWares originally started as the duo of developers worked in different languages and were very active on forums. We formed D&S Wares as a name to post our scripts under and put content on a website for people to download our snippets or source code for their own personal use.
Over the years we started picking up paying gigs, highly due to the open source code we often posted and the reputation which came along with it. Since then we have moved on to become full time developers and been doing so for some time now.
Unfortunately due to workloads we have had less time to work on our own projects over the years and our presence in the various forums we used to frequent is non-existent. We are yet again on the verge of a comeback though and hoping to put several apps into the app stores. Hopefully these will help us fund future projects and we can start getting back into it again. We will also accept donations if people would like to see us get back into it sooner rather than later.
Previously we were very much guns for higher when it came to developing, now-a-days personal and work commitments have put a halt on this so we will not be taking on any freelance work at any time in the foreseeable future. If you do have something you think we would be interested in, please feel free to shoot us an email via the contact us page and we will get back to you with our thoughts or possible a developer we can recommend for your project(s).